Electronics Engineering Student's Association - ECSA


In October 2019, after all batch Electronic industrial training trip, a group of Electronic major student leaders were planning to create EC Student Association, as a representative for EC and Telecom students and to help them in their academic life.

In 22nd January 2020, First Election Committee for ECSA was formed included with one former student and 6 current students. Election Committee decided and announced election rules in 25th January 2020. First ECSA election was held in 5.2.2020(online election) and 6.2.2020(manual election). The winning representatives and central executive committee were announced at National Union Day of 2020.



ECSA is systematically organized in (date) with many Electronics and Telecom major students. The major aim of ECSA is to support the electronics and telecom students especially in education and social to conserve the dignity of electronics department and improve in Extra-Curricular Activities. Electronics students association is led by president.

The Central Executive Committee systematized with extracurricular, finance, education, sports and art, event organizer, office, history recorder and representative are responsible for their corresponding tasks. Class representatives and alumni team members are also included.

A term duration of president, secretary and central executive committee are legally one year. The President and Secretary are elected with students' voting and the Central Executive Committee members are elected by the current president proposal and decision of Class Represen tatives.

Advisory committee is organized with a current teacher, two professionals from the electronics field, two current students and two alumni and fundamentally cooperated with the president. The Office team and History recording teams are cooperated with Secretary.


After ECSA is organized, some educational and social events are successfully held at electronics department with the supporting of alumni and current students.

Knowledge Quiz Competition

During the University Holidays, as the students' holiday activity with the cooperation of teachers and professionals, a quiz competition for electronics and telecom students is successfully held. This competition target for the improvement of knowledge in the field of electronics and telecommunication during the long holidays.


Especially for the senior students, there was also online seminars about career path after graduation and further study options. But the sophomore and junior students also interested about this seminar and participated. With the cooperation of alumni, this program is successfully held.