Code of Conduct


As the Yangon Technological University is a historically prestigious university, the staffs should aware and follow the ethics and laws whenever within the campus compound or off-campus to preserve the image and prestige of the university.


Priority Ethics

  • A university staff must divide job and personal.
  • A university staff must decide fairly without prioritizing relatives of his own while deciding the staff recruitments.
  • A university staff must not offer any business to his and his close relatives' organizations and companies based on personal intimacy.
  • A university staff must not prioritize to his and his close relatives' companies based on personal intimacy during tenders.
  • When a university staff faces priority conflicts, he must inform his Head of Department or supervisor and get directed.

Education and Academic Integrity

  • University will compile and nurture zone of itself as an exchange and innovation zone of academic insights and ideas. Staffs must have honesty and loyalty during their services.
  • No tolerance to cheating, swindling, distributing and copy-catting to one's intellectual property without any consent. If staffs are involved in such cases, they must be taken attention according to university's rules and regulations by Discipline Committee.
  • In addition to teaching and research, a university staff must assist the human society by consulting and joining the research together with government, visiting skilled practitioners and workplaces by the allowance of the University Council.
  • It is an important duty for each staff to protect university's academic standard and dignity. Staffs are responsible to report to relevant person in charge if they have got any evidence of dishonesty and deceptions in their academic social circle in addition to their university society.

Humanity Respect

  • University will compile and nurture zone of itself as an exchange and innovation zone of academic insights and ideas. Staffs must have honesty and loyalty during their services.
  • Racism regarding to one's gender, religion and social class, and discrimination to disables are forbidden. University must be a safe environment not only for staffs but also for the civilians.
  • No discrimination to rookie staffs. Must not regard as underlings. All must be helped and dealed as same level colleagues and friends, and like brothers and sisters.
  • If staffs are found to be involved, or assisting or instigating in above behaviors by means of their authority and leadership, they must be taken strong attention by the university.

Accepting Gifts

  • A university staff must not accept or ask for any gift whether directly or indirectly whatever for himself or for others with the use of his position.

Using University's Information and Security

  • A university staff could use only allowed information. Passwords, which could look into information and data, must not be shared to others.
  • A university staff must be use its own information clearance uprightly and aware not to leak public. When it comes to university's information, it also includes confidential data which are the most important. A university staff must protect the confidential information data at all costs.
  • If it is suspected to be any information data leak, one must report to the responsible person and inspect.
  • University can take back university's information data at any time. If being asked, the staff should give back every information data without leaving copies or concealing.

Using University Properties - Equipment and Gadgets

  • A university staff must carefully use the university's equipment and gadgets. Without permission, they are not allowed to use for personal purpose.

Sexual Assault

  • One must not do any sexual exploitation or sexual assault to any staff or student by physically or verbally or by other alternative methods whether directly or indirectly.

Dressing and Fashion

  • Staffs must wear accordingly to professional standards and era. Fashion styles which could affect the university's image in bad ways are forbidden. Clothing which could lead difficulty in distinguishing for university's security is forbidden. The standard dressing and fashion are as following. If there is special specified uniform for the position, one must wear it during the duty time.
  • Male/Female white shirt, short or long sleeves, with or without collars
  • Traditional longyi or style pants any color you favor
  • Traditional costume full-set
  • Western suit full set: style pant, white shirt long or short sleeves, necktie of favorite design , shoes

Expressing Beliefs

  • It is important to be well aware of the country's historical processes and changes, and to respect the will of the people.
  • The action of staffs is to always stand for truth and justice.
  • The university is multi-ethnic. It is an environment of interfaith harmony. Staffs must respect different beliefs as well as the right to freely and peacefully express their views. It is strictly forbidden to insult the beliefs of others and forcibly persuade one's own ideas.
  • Staffs are strictly forbidden for inciting and physically abusing each other; for incitement and personal involvement in the destruction of one's property; for destroying the university property.
  • The campus shall not be used for fundraising or profiteering by any public or private organization.
  • Staffs can share their ideas and difficulties to the university organizations, and regular staff meetings may be convened as needed.
  • Staffs can form Unions and social organizations.

Obedience to Federal Laws and University's Rules and Regulations

  • It is a duty of every staff to obey and follow Federal Law, university's rules and regulations.
  • If staffs are sent as a scholar or exchange members to foreign universities, which are bonded partnerships and Memorandum of Understanding with the university, they must follow the rules and regulations of that universities along with the laws of located countries.
  • If staffs are sent to field study at other regions during service, they must obey the rules and disciplines of that region and its environment as well.

Drugs, Smoking and Chewing Betel

  • It's strongly forbidden within the campus for any drugs use and drugs selling. If seen, must be reported to authorities.
  • No smoking and chewing betel within the campus except defined location. If seen, will be taken action.

Drinking Alcoholic Beverages

  • During drinking alcoholic beverages, staffs must behave and act with social standards. Exception for the fairs and ceremonies with alcohol allowance, all the other conditions are forbidden from alcohol.

Social Network Usages

  • Using social media, staffs must follow the social standards and ethics. Within the university or not, while using social networks, one must be aware that behaving recklessly out of responsibility could affect the image and prospect of university.

Responsibilities to Preserve University's Academic and Social Environment

  • It must be managed for a university to be a safe and sound environment for its students and staffs. Staffs must be able to show university identity card whenever the responsible person asks for checking.

Physical Assault, Destroying or Stealing University Properties

  • University will never tolerate any physical assault in the campus, destroying or stealing university properties. For such cases, required attentions will be taken immediately.

Computers & Technological Stuffs

  • University's computers and technological stuffs must be used only for academic purposes. It is not allowed for using to spread false news, for self-business purposes or personal beneficial purposes. They must follow computer and technology rules and regulations.

Car Parking

  • Despite the vehicle rules declared by the university, road and vehicle safety rules and laws must be followed. Cars must be parked only in the designated areas within the campus.

Staff Accommodation

  • University will provide required rules and disciplines for the staffs' accommodations to be comfortable and safe to live. Staff must obey and follow those disciplines.

As the Yangon Technological University is a historically prestigious university, the students should aware and follow the laws and regulations and ethics whenever within the campus compound or off-campus to preserve the image and prestige of the university.


Education and Academic Integrity

  • University will compile and nurture zone of itself as an exchange and innovation zone of academic insights and ideas. Students must have honesty and loyalty during studies.
  • No tolerance to cheating, swindling, distributing and copy-catting to one's intellectual property without any consent. If students are involved in such cases, they must be taken attention according to university's rules and regulations by Discipline Committee.
  • It is an important duty for each student to protect university's academic standard and dignity. Students are responsible to report to relevant person in charge if they have got any evidence of dishonesty and deceptions in their academic social circle in addition to their university society.

Humanity Respect

  • Students must deal each other with respects and responsibility. Socializing with disrespect, threatening, and aggression, sexual assault, making social discomfort out of influence, dirty swearing and all behaviors contradicting to laws are forbidden.
  • Racism regarding to one's gender, religion and social class, and discrimination to disables are forbidden. University must be a safe environment not only for students but also for the civilians.
  • No discrimination to new comers. Must not regard as underlings. All must be helped and dealed as same level classmates and friends, and like brothers and sisters.
  • If students are found to be involved, or assisting or instigating in above behaviors by means of their authority and leadership, they must be taken strong attention by the university.

Sexual Assault

  • One must not do any sexual exploitation or sexual assault to any staff or student by physically or verbally or by other alternative methods whether directly or indirectly.

Dressing and Fashion

  • Students must wear accordingly to social standards and era. Fashion styles which could affect the university's image in bad ways are forbidden. Clothing which could lead difficulty in distinguishing for university's security is forbidden.
  • The standard dressing and fashion are as following:
  • Male/Female shirt, short or long sleeves, with or without collars
  • Traditional longyi or style pants any color you favor
  • Traditional costume full-set
  • Western suit full set: style pants, shirt long or short sleeves, necktie of favorite design, shoes

Expressing Beliefs

  • It is important to be well aware of the country's historical processes and changes, and to respect the will of the people. The action of students is to always stand for truth and justice.
  • The university is multi-ethnic. It is an environment of interfaith harmony. Students must respect different beliefs as well as the right to freely and peacefully express their views. It is strictly forbidden to insult the beliefs of others and forcibly persuade one's own ideas.
  • Students are strictly forbidden for inciting and physically abusing each other; for incitement and personal involvement in the destruction of one's property; for destroying the university property.
  • The campus shall not be used for fundraising or profiteering by any public or private organization.
  • Students can share their ideas and difficulties to the university organizations, and regular staff meetings may be convened as needed.
  • Students can form Unions and social organizations.

Obedience to Federal Laws and University's Rules and Regulations

  • It is a duty of every student to obey and follow Federal laws and university's rules and regulations.
  • If students are sent as a scholar or exchange students to foreign universities, which are bonded partnerships and Memorandum of Understanding with the university, they must follow the rules and regulations of that universities along with the laws of located countries.

Rules Relating to Academics

  • For class attendance, there must be at least 75% in lectures & tutorials and 100% in Practical in order to be able to take the exam.
  • Must know and follow the fact that one is to be strongly taken action according to the declared acts as soon as it is found out that one is breaking exam rules, or cheating and copying in the exam room.

Drugs, Smoking, Chewing Betel and Drinking Alcoholic Beverages

  • It's strongly forbidden within the campus for any drugs use, drugs selling and producing. If seen, must be reported to authorities.
  • No smoking and chewing betel within the campus except defined location. If seen, will be taken action.
  • During drinking alcoholic beverages, students must behave and act with social standards. Exception for the fairs and ceremonies with alcohol allowance, all the other conditions are forbidden from alcohol.
  • If under-ages are found to consume alcohol, they will be taken actions.

Social Network Usages

  • Using social media, students must follow the social standards and ethics. Within the university or not, while using social networks, one must be aware that behaving recklessly out of responsibility could affect the image and prospect of university.

Responsibilities to Preserve University's Academic and Social Environment

  • It must be managed for a university to be a safe and sound environment for its students. Students must be able to show university identity card whenever the responsible person asks for checking.

Physical Assault, Destroying or Stealing University Properties

  • University will never tolerate any physical assault in the campus, destroying or stealing university properties. For such cases, required attentions will be taken immediately.

Computers & Technological Stuffs

  • University's computers and technological stuffs must be used only for academic purposes. It is not allowed for using to spread false news, for self-business purposes or personal beneficial purposes. They must follow computer and technology rules and regulations.

Car Parking

  • Despite the vehicle rules declared by the university, road and vehicle safety rules and laws must be followed. Cars must be parked only in the designated areas within the campus. Must follow the security check.

Student Accommodations

  • University will provide required rules and disciplines for the students' accommodations to be comfortable and safe to live and study. Students must obey and follow those disciplines.