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Student Accommodation

There are a total of six student dormitories, serving about 1,000 students. Efforts are also being made to expand the number of modern dormitories, and plans are afoot to build a new dormitory that can accommodate up to 300 students.

University Accommodation

University Accommodation

Staffs are provided with housing, dormitories and rooms in the campus. Housings will be replaced by high-rise buildings in line with the changing times.

University Canteen 1University Canteen 2

University Canteen

The new University Canteen has been built to accommodate more modern student services and is attached to the Students’ Union building. The old canteen will be demolished and rebuilt to fit and be harmonized with the new canteen. Plans are underway to expand canteens elsewhere on campus.

SU Butterfly Building 1SU Butterfly Building 2

Students’ Union Building (Butterfly Hall)

The Students’ Union building is also known as Butterfly Hall, which is listed as an university heritage building. The building includes the main student lounge, meeting room, semi-public lounge, cafe', union offices, gym, souvenir shops, assembly hall, dance hall, Union Square and mini museum. Adjacent to the Students’ Union building is a new canteen. Next to it, there is a tennis court and a basketball court.

Students’ Union Library

Students’ Union Library

The Students’ Union reading room is led by the Union office. The books are collected and borrowed according to the interests of the students.

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University Sport Facilities

In 2020, the first phase of the university's main stadium has completed. The second phase is to construct the audience spaces and stadium floors. YTU Gymnasium is one of the most iconic stadiums in the country. Plans are also underway to build new tennis courts and basketball courts.

University Clinic

University Clinic

University Clinic treats minor injuries and common ailments. Preparations are also underway for the University Clinic to be fully operational and better performanced.