Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology

History of Department

Since 1999, three specialized studies, Electronics, Mechatronics and Information Technology were offered under the Department of Electronic Engineering, Yangon Technological University and a number of undergraduate and postgraduate students of IT engineering have earned their degrees. In 2012, it was established as the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT), introducing the “Six-Year Bachelor Degree Program” to students with higher marks in the Matriculation Examination.

Offered Degrees and Courses

The Department of CEIT currently runs Undergraduate Program, Master Program and Doctoral Program, as a total of three. Our programs include subjects such as Area of ​​Information, Communication, Networking and System Control which are designed to balance the hardware and software used in various fields.

Undergraduate Programs

  • Undergraduate Program offers the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (CEIT) where the duration takes 6 years. Every academic year is divided into 2 semesters where each semester takes 4 months. In order to develop our students’ thinking skills, Engineering Foundation Courses are offered in the first and second academic years. In the following years of 3rd, 4th and 5th, we offer necessary courses related to Computer Engineering and IT Engineering.
  • Intending our students to work in team work, improve their communication and time management skills, they are randomly assigned to groups where they have to prepare presentations and projects according to the relevant courses. Especially in fifth year, the main subject called “Integrated Design Project” which covers various theories taught in the previous years is included. With topics related to real world problems, students have to apply studied theories and develop a project in order to master their problem solving skills, creative thinking skills and conceptual skills.
  • Students in final year (6th year) are sent on “Internship Training” in collaboration with local/foreign organizations and companies for the first 2 months of the 1st semester. In the latter half of the semester, we conduct Research Methodology classes for research processes such as graduation thesis, seminars for thesis and project titles, selection of supervisors and helping with their research reports. Second Semester is the period where students undertake their graduation researches, prepare seminar presentations and submit their graduation thesis to panelists.

Postgraduate Programs

  • The Postgraduate Program offers Master of Engineering (CEIT) and Doctor of Philosophy (CEIT) degrees, each taking for 2 and 3 years respectively. The course work period is set at one year, instructing more related courses. Research period is differently adjusted; it lasts one year for Master Programs and two years for Doctoral Programs.
  • As we approach to Research Based Education System, our department is working on four main research areas: Data Science Engineering Lab, Software Technology and Interactive Systems Lab, Wireless Communication and Network Engineering Lab, Signal and Image Processing Lab. Every undergraduate and postgraduate students can access these labs for research purposes.

Special Programs (Postgraduate and Diploma)

  • As a special program, final year students will gain international internship experience from internationally collaborated internship programs. In 2018-2019 academic year, we managed to send four students to National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and one student to Fujitsu Co.,Ltd in Japan while acquiring the company support.
  • For undergraduate students from first to fifth years, we run special trainings such as in-house trainings (basic web development, graphic design, routing and switching, android programming, Linux fundamental and shell script writing) and one industrial field trip per year during the semester breaks. In addition, we invite experts from different industry sectors and hold seminars of knowledge sharing on new technologies and work experience.
  • Furthermore, our department also provides Data Analytic Cloud (SAP) training classes in order to support students for ASEAN Data Science Explorer competitions. We are also making an effort to open diploma courses in the upcoming academic year.

Average number of students per year

For the 2020 Undergraduate Program, we have newly accepted 30 students. Hence, on the average of 180 students study at our CEIT department per academic year. About 30 students are also accepted every year for Postgraduate Programs.

Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Computer Engineering and Information Technology

Our Mission

  • To be a place where we can share the best knowledge related to computer engineering and information technology sector
  • To solve real world problems through research processes and provide advanced classes for educating qualified students
  • To develop students with brilliant technical qualifications for socio-economic development

Our Message

  • At the department, Professors and Lecturers graduated from local and foreign are efficiently leading the academic processes. A number of students have successfully earned the Bachelor’s Degree of CEIT. Some graduated students have been offered proper positions in companies meanwhile some continue their further studies. Two students at Nagasaki University in Japan and two at Kyung Hee University in Korea are now pursuing their Master’s degrees.
  • We are delighted to help nurture students as high-achieving professionals. Last but not least, we, the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology at Yangon Technological University, ensure that you can grasp excellent opportunities here thus we warmly welcome any student who is passionate about majoring in computer engineering and information technology.