Department of Urban Design, Urban and Regional Planning

History of Department

The first Department of Architecture was established in Myanmar in 1954, started with Mr. B. Kedar, an Indian graduate at BOC College. Mr. B. Kedar introduced first-year students to the subjects of World Architecture History, Design Studio, Architectural Design and Studio. In the second academic year, he offered an artist to instruct techniques of art drawings, along with other engineering subjects to support architectural knowledge.

Then, Mr. Guy Davis from Rogland Squire and Associate, London, who arrived at the Department of Architecture in BOC as a professor, lectured architectural courses and miniature design. Students had to attend classes related to architecture in the first half of the fourth academic year and do research in the second half. In 1956, the Department of Architecture was transferred to the Faculty of Engineering in Squire, then to Rangoon Institute of Technology in 1961. The very first Burmese head of department was U Thar Htun. Later, the name “Rangoon Institute of Technology” was changed to “Yangon Institute of Technology” and finally, to the name of “Yangon Technological University (YTU)” which is recognized today.

Offering Programs

Our department currently offers Master of Architecture (2 years) in Urban Design and Planning.

Urban Design Building 2

Average number of students per year

On average, the department annually accepts 10 students for postgraduate programs.