Speech Delivered by the Union Prime Minister of Myanmar on 35th Memorial Day of Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing who were killed by Military Junta in 1988

H.E. Mahn Win Khaing Than, the Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Goverment of Myanmar sent a written speech to the Yangon Technological University on 13 March, 2023 to commemorate the 35th Memorial Day of Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing who were shot killed by the military in the campus of YTU previously known as RIT.
The Prime Minister, on behalf of the National Unity Government, expressed his deep remembrance and thank the Yangon Technological University for the opportunity to send a commemorative message.
The Prime Minister said that all the hard works for human rights and equality must not be wasted and the totalitarianism must be put to an end. He said we all needed to lay down good foundations along the journey for equality and democracy for all ethnic groups and the full enjoyment of human rights by all citizens.