Events &


Events and Traditions images

Orientation Day

Orientation Day is held on the first day of the school year. This event is organized by the senior students in order to introduce the freshman students to the university. The activities on this day include the campus tour; where the freshmen are shown around the campus buildings, classrooms, dormitories, the canteen, as well as the introduction of the school clubs and an orientation session where the students' union representatives will explain everything about the Yangon Technological University and other information the freshmen should know.

Orientation Day Photos

Fresher Welcome

Fresher Welcome is usually celebrated in the last week of December or the first week of January. The welcome is opened with the introductory speeches by the rector and the students' union president. The inauguration ceremony of the first-year student representatives is also held. The welcome is then continued with song and dance performances, and stage plays by the students. The welcome is packed with literature and art stalls and various food stalls. And finally, as the last program, the King and Queen of the newest batch of YTU students is selected and then this fun party partaken by all senior and juniors alike is successfully ended.

Fresher Welcome Photos

Mistletoe YTU

This is a Christmas event co-organized by the students' union and the YTU Christian Fellowship. This Christmas event was first celebrated last year. On this December evening, the students exchange gifts with one another and there are entertainment programs such as the Nativity Play, carol singing, and dance performances by the students. This is a joyous event participated by all the students and teachers at YTU.

Mistletoe YTU Photos


This is a sports event where the student teams compete against each other by playing various missions like the TV show Running Man. And since this is at YTU, the event is called YTU Run. This is held annually in February and aims to enhance the team spirit and friendship among the students as well as for the enjoyment of the students.

YTU Run Photos

YTU Project Show

This is a project show hosted annually in the last week of January or the last week of February. This event aims to showcase the creativity and craftsmanship of YTU students as well as to help other students in their learning. There are usually 68 to 80 projects on display by each major annually.

YTU Project Show Photos

T-square Thingyan

T-square Thingyan is the pre-Thingyan water festival of YTU and is usually celebrated in early March after the first half of the first semester. Filled with the Thingyan spirit and tradition, the students throw water on each other in this water festival. On this day, the campus is crowded with the food booths opened up by the students and teachers. There are also live performances by famous singers as well as performances by our very own YTU students. The students play and dance all day long and this event is no doubt one of the most charming and exciting events in YTU.

T-square Thingyan Photos

Career Hub

This is another event hosted in the second semester and this event aims to provide job opportunities for students who are near graduation. Many companies would offer jobs to the students in this event.

Career Hub Photos

Memorial Ceremony

A memorial service is held every March to commemorate the fallen RIT students, Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, whose deaths were the starting point of the 1988 pro-democracy uprising. The State Counsellor H.E Aung San Suu Kyi, Union Minister for Education, the Yangon Region Chief Minister, the family members of Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, alumni, students' unions, politicians, and other individuals attend the memorial service and lay wreaths, heed dhamma and share merits dedicated to Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing and give speeches and remarks.

Memorial Photos

Sports Competitions

The competitions are mainly divided into the winter games and the monsoon games. The purpose of these competitions is to build up the sports spirit and to strengthen the friendship of the students. The winter games are held in January and February and include outdoor games such as football (Rector Cup) and basketball whereas the monsoon games are held during the second semester in July and include marathon, chess, table tennis, futsal, badminton, and swimming. There are also Esports tournaments.

Sports Competitions Photos

YTU Innovation Challenge

This innovation challenge is held at the start of the second semester and the title of the challenge changes year from year such as Smart Yangon, Smart Campus. In this challenge, the contestants will have to create a proposal following the title and the proposal must include engineering solutions that would help and improve their campus and city. Then they will have to present their proposals in the pitch contest. The best idea out of all the competing teams is awarded.

Innovation Challenge Photos

YTU Rolympics

This is a robot competition called the YTU Rolympics and this is another event held in the second semester. This event is organized by the Science and Technological Association (STA) and IET YTU On Campus. The participants will have to play various games like football, racing, sumo fight with the robots built by themselves and students from McE, EC, Mechanical, IT majors mostly participate in this robot competition.

Rolympics Photos

SU Election and Debate

The students’ union general election and election debate are held in the first and second week of July. Any undergraduate student at YTU can apply for the position of president, secretary, art association officer, and library officer as a candidate. Election debate is where the candidates talk about their experiences, intended policies, leadership skills in front of the voters. The elected representatives will serve for the next term of the students' union.

SU Election and Debate Photos


SU Day is celebrated annually on July 27 and the nearest Wednesday to commemorate the founding of the YTU students' union (July 27, 2014). On this day, the union members and the school staff who have excelled in their duties are awarded. The central executive committee of the new union term is also sworn in on this day. In addition, there are Anyeint, song and dance performances by the students and by famous singers. There are also food booths by the students. This day is no doubt an event enjoyed by all.

YTUSU Day Photos


This is a farewell party as well as a congratulatory party for the graduating final year students. There are two types of farewell parties: the whole farewell party for the whole batch and smaller farewell parties for each major. The major farewell parties include the ceremony of paying homage to the teachers and entertainment programs and the whole farewell party is for honoring all the senior students.

Farewell Photos

Awbar Convocation

YTU hosts its convocation at its assembly hall and it is hosted annually on March 1 or 2. At the convocation ceremony, the graduating students led by the rector would walk down the Awber road to the assembly hall while the Mingalar Hsine is being played. The onlookers and bystanders would give applause to the walking graduating students. This is a tradition of YTU practiced since the first convocation ceremony and hence Awbar road is one of the most famous hallmarks of the university since the time of RIT. Normally, no one would cross the Awbar road on any other given time of year.

Awbar Convocation Photos


Others Photos

In addition to these events, there are many other events organized by each major and student organization. These include public lectures hosted by the Literature organization, BIT-RIT-YIT Photo Exhibition by campus master plan support team, international students institutional visits, blood donating ceremony organized by the Buddhist Family, and religious festivals like the rice offering ceremony, Waso Thingan ceremony, Tazaungdaing lights festival are also celebrated. The students at YTU can enjoy and participate in all these events, festivals and ceremonies with their friends and teachers. Thus, it is certain that they can experience and relish the youthful exuberance of being a university student and appreciate the essence of the university.