Council's Bereavement

University CouncilOct 8, 2021

We can't express how saddened we are to hear that Dr. Mi Sandar Mon, Professor and Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yangon Technological University, has passed away on July 15 due to COVID-19. Dr. Mi Sandar Mon is not only passionate about the development of the university but also always completes her responsibilities. She has her standard of morality & was also one of the earliest academic officers to join the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). This is a huge loss of human resources for the university. May her soul rest in peace.

Dr. Mi Sandar Mon
Dr. Mi Sandar Mon

With deepest sympathies, we are sorry to hear that U Khin Aung Lin, Lecturer at Mechanical Engineering Department, Yangon Technological University, has passed away on July 23 due to COVID-19. This is another huge loss of human resources for the university. May his soul rest in peace.

U Khin Aung Lin
U Khin Aung Lin

We are at a loss for words after hearing that Dr. Kyaw Nyein Aye, Guest Professor at Chemical Engineering Department, Yangon Technological University, has passed away on July 31. He is a Food Science Engineer sharing his skills & knowledge. This is a loss of human resources. May his soul rest in peace.

Dr. Kyaw Nyein Aye
Dr. Kyaw Nyein Aye

We are sending deepest condolences on the loss of Daw Khin Bhone Tint on Aug 2. Daw Khin Bhone Tint, an expert lecturer of Burmese Language, has worked hard to establish a systematic Burmese Language Department at Yangon Technological University. She was one of the firsts trying to run the department well after the reopening of YTU. This is a loss of human resources. May her soul rest in peace.

Daw Khin Bhone Tint
Daw Khin Bhone Tint

It is sorrowful to hear that U Soe Naing, Guest Professor at Department of Architecture, Yangon Technological University, has passed away on Aug 6. He spent a lot of his time sharing knowledge in the Architecture Department. This is a loss of human resources. May his soul rest in peace.

U Soe Naing Aung
U Soe Naing Aung

We are sorry to hear that Dr. Khin Swe Tint, a part-time teacher at the Department of Mining Engineering, Yangon Technological University, passed away on Aug 7. She has been assisting in the department by sharing her knowledge and gaining the trust of many students. This is another loss of human resources. May her soul rest in peace.

Dr. Khin Swe Tint
Dr. Khin Swe Tint