Activities of Spring Library No.(1) for our Younger Generation in Kareni State

In March 2024, there were 3 activities at Spring Library No.(1) located in Kareni State where the military junta has been doing aerial bombardments very often.
🔰 Educating physical, sexual abuse/March 2, 2024/Number of participants: (17) - Male (3), Female (14)
Educating aimed at making children aware of physical and sexual abuse, and valuing and protecting their bodies. Discussions were held.

🔰 Educating about personal hygiene/March 9, 2024/Number of participants: (13) - Male (2), Female (11)
Make children study and read about health and teach them to live a clean life. Discussions about 4 Cs including Clean hands, clean food, clean water and clean toilet, how to wash hands, how to cut nails and how to build a toilet were held.

🔰 Education on how to live a healthy everyday life/March 22, 2024/Number of participants: (13) - Male (5), Female (8)
The children were made to read about health and were educated on healthy behaviors to be practiced on a daily basis.
Moe Thout Yaung Chi also provided support for the operation of library