Activities of Spring Library No.(1) for our Younger Generation in Kareni State

University CouncilJun 2, 2024
Photo Courtesy of YTUSU
Photo Courtesy of YTUSU

In March 2024, there were 3 activities at Spring Library No.(1) located in Kareni State where the military junta has been doing aerial bombardments very often. 

🔰 Educating physical, sexual abuse/March 2, 2024/Number of participants: (17) - Male (3), Female (14)

Educating aimed at making children aware of physical and sexual abuse, and valuing and protecting their bodies. Discussions were held.

Photo Courtesy of YTUSU
Photo Courtesy of YTUSU

🔰 Educating about personal hygiene/March 9, 2024/Number of participants: (13) - Male (2), Female (11)

Make children study and read about health and teach them to live a clean life. Discussions about 4 Cs including Clean hands, clean food, clean water and clean toilet, how to wash hands, how to cut nails and how to build a toilet were held.

Photo Courtesy of YTUSU
Photo Courtesy of YTUSU

🔰 Education on how to live a healthy everyday life/March 22, 2024/Number of participants: (13) - Male (5), Female (8)

The children were made to read about health and were educated on healthy behaviors to be practiced on a daily basis.

Moe Thout Yaung Chi also provided support for the operation of library

Photo Courtesy of YTUSU
Photo Courtesy of YTUSU
Photo Courtesy of YTUSU
Photo Courtesy of YTUSU