Myanmar-Japan Technological Developement Centre - 1

Myanmar-Japan Technological Development Center-1 (MJTDC-1), one of the two main research centers of Yangon Technological University was donated by the people of Japan under the management of JICA and handed over to Myanmar Government led by Aung San Suu Kyi on the 26th December 2019. The project was a part of the Grant Aid "Project for Enhancing Technological Universities" (Grant Amount: 2,582 million Japanese Yen - Approx. 35.2 billion MMK).


The center is located behind the corridor that connects the main Building-1, Building-5, and canteen buildings. It is highly visible from across the campus and provides easy access from all academic departments. Since it is at a good distance from the Insein Road, it is considered as a quiet and vibration-free location.

The establishment of the centre aims at enhancing the practical education and research capacity of YTU. The MJTDC-1 is a 5-story building, which is used for common laboratories to be used by multiple departments. JICA has been supporting YTU in capacity development of the teaching staffs through the Technical Cooperation "Project for Enhancing Engineering Higher Education (EEHE)". Under the project, 44 young teaching staffs were sent to Japan, and most of them have already returned to Myanmar after obtaining a Ph.D. degree from Japan. The research centers and laboratory equipment will enable YTU researchers including those who study in Japan to proceed further with more advanced researches using the new equipment. (According to JICA) The followings are the facilities provided by the center in each floor.

Category 1 - Common Testings

Microstructure Observation Room

Floor: G

To observe the outermost surface of samples at the nano level by using a scanning electron microscope.

Standard Measurement Equipment Room

Floor: 1st

To carry out the management of standards for calibration (standard volume meter, standard scales, standard thermometer, standard pressure tester, etc.) and the calibration of the equipment are carried out.

Environmental Analysis Room

Floor: 3rd

To carry out Microanalysis (detection) of the atmosphere/liquids and the measurements of metallic element concentrations in samples.

General-purpose Laboratory

Floor: 1st 2nd 4th

To provide laboratory equipment (testing table, shelves for equipment and materials, fume hoods, etc.) installed to be used by all departments.

Category 2 - Machinery

Standard Measurement Equipment Room

Floor: G

To examine the impact of tension, compression, torsion, etc., on a substance by exerting a high level of pressure on the substance over prolonged periods of time by a universal testing machine and a fatigue testing machine for the preparation of test pieces.

Laser Lab

Floor: 1st

The processing of metal plates (welding, cutting) using YAG laser and laser measuring/analysis are carried out here. In addition, the preparation of the metal plates as test pieces is carried out.

X-Ray Measuring Chamber

Floor: 4th

To clarify the elemental composition of substances of unknown structure by a x-ray machine that is used to carry out the quantitative analysis of a substance (crystal) and an x-ray fluorescence spectrometer that is used to analyze the types and concentrations of the elements comprising mainly non-organic solid bodies.

Category 3 - Electrical

Optical Measuring Chamber Room

Floor: 2nd

To measure various values relating to light (light flux, luminance, luminosity, etc.) by using a spectroscope and other equipment.

Electric Design and Fabrication Room

Floor: 2nd

To carry out the design of semiconductor substrates to their manufacture and assembly.

Electrical Electronic Properties Evaluation Room

Floor: 3rd

To carry out electric current, voltage, impedance.

Category 4 - Mechatronic

Biomedical Measurement Room

Floor: 1st 2nd 3rd

To carry out various measurements and observations of living creatures including body temperature, EMG, brain waves, etc.

Category 5 - Infrastructure

Server Room

Floor: G

LAN facilities are installed in this room.

Category 6 - Auxillary

Department Rooms

Floor: G 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Dedicated staffs are assigned to three laboratories on each floor, department rooms are for three persons to use.

Meeting Room

Floor: 1st

A meeting space with seating for 12 persons is planned.

Nitrogen Production Room

Floor: G

Facilities for liquid nitrogen production are installed as it is used for the electron microscope and in other laboratories.

Blowers Room

Air blowers for the septic tank are installed.


Floor: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Toilet facilities for males are positioned on the first and third floors, and for females on the second and fourth floors.

Preparation Rooms

Floor: 1st 2nd 3rd

Instrument shelves and testing tables are positioned according to the size of the room.

Storage Room

Storage of consumables and supplies