Basketball Club


  • To introduce the sport to YTU students who are interested in basketball.
  • To help improve the skills, fitness and health of the students by playing basketball.
  • To deliver skillful and valuable players.
  • To bring achievements to mother university by taking part in inter-university tournaments.


  1. The club holds activities 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday).
    • Wednesday - 2 pm to 4 pm
    • Monday and Friday - 3:30 pm to 5 pm
  2. Location – YTU basketball court (near canteen)
  3. The activity starts in the 2nd week of December.
  4. The club has been holding inter-major basketball tournament at the last week of February and give awards.
  5. Skillful players are selected from that tournament for YTU basketball selection team to take part in inter-university games.