Department of Mechatronics Engineering

History of Department

We can easily see the mechatronic engineering related factories in our surroundings. Mechatronic Technology is being used from consumer goods such as coffee makers and refrigerators to refineries and car assembly plants. The term "Mechatronics" was coined by a Japanese engineer, Tetsuro Mori more than 40 years ago and it was combined mechanical and electronic together. Nowadays, with the rapid development of digital robots, artificial intelligence and IT technologies, it would not be wrong to call these technologies revolutionary, just like the Industrial Revolution. As a result, a triple paradigm shift called Industrial 4.0 which uses these technologies became popular. Thus, the term "industry" and "electronics" has become the mainstay of the term "Mechatronics". The global market demand for job opportunities is high due to the need for skilled mechanical engineering. To sum up, Mechatronics engineering will automatically become one of the main forces of the breakthrough and modernization of new technologies. Historically, since 2012, master's students of the Department of Mechatronic and Information Technology have been taught by experienced lecturers from the Department of Electronics. In 2012, the first batch Centre of Excellence (COE) Engineers was established as a separate Department of Mechanical Engineering at Yangon Technological University.

Course Structure

Undergraduate Engineering courses:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.McE)
  • Master Degree Engineering Courses (M.E.McE)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering Technology
  • Doctoral degree (Ph.D.McE)
Mechatronics Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering

Average Number of Students per Year

Average annual number of students accepted by the department = 200 students

Objectives of the Department

The quality goals of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering are as follows:

  • To have at least 75% of school attendance to produce qualified engineers in Mechatronics engineering degree programs
  • To reduce the dropout rate of undergraduate students in Mechatronics Engineering under 5%.
  • To become an accredited engineering department by the Myanmar Engineering Association Accreditation Board in 2018-2019 academic year
  • To have Customer Satisfaction more than 60% from the students of the various subjects taught by the Department of Mechatronics Engineering.
  • In order to have complaints no more than 5 from users and end users.

The Department of Mechatronics Engineering is also planning to launch HR (Human Resource) Evening Class courses aimed at human resource development. The draft training courses are as follows:

  • The Industrial Automation course will provide practical training to understand the concept of Automation.
  • In the Industrial Robotics course, Robot Concepts will be taught using Industrial Robots.
  • Machine Vision In Industrial 4.0 course will cover the concepts of Image Processing Image Analysis and embedded system content